What is Shikonnin?
Shikonin is a red naphthoquinone pigment found in the roots of the Shikonaceae plant, including Lithospermum erythrorhizon, Arnebia, and Onosma. It's a group of compounds that can be divided into two optical isomers, L-Shikonin and D-Shikonin, based on their optical activities. Shikonin is also known as A/S because it exists in balance with its enantiomer alkannin.
Shikonin, whose chemical formula is C16H16O5 and molecular weight is 288.295, is a purple-red naphthoquinone natural pigment extracted from Lithospermum erythrorhizon. It has the properties of antioxidation, anti-inflammation and promoting wound healing
Function 1.Antibacteerial,antiviral activity,cardiovascular system
2.Anti-fertility effect;Antipyretic effect;
3.Anti-tumor effects;
4.Stop bleeding,promote coagulation
5.Effects on the gastrointestinal smooth muscle;
6.Hypoglycemic effect;
7.Liver Protection;
8.Anti-allergy effect
9.Acne treatment |
Application 1. Food and beverage ingredients.
2. Healthy Products.
3. Nutrition Supplements.
4. Pharmaceutical Industry, General Drugs |
Shikonin is a red pigment and naphthoquinone compound that is found in the roots of certain plants, including Lithospermum erythrorhizon, Arnebia euchroma, and Onosma armeniacum.
Shikonin is a natural lead compound that has potential as an anticancer agent and can kill cancer cells through various mechanisms.It can be modified to produce safer and more potent anticancer drugs with different functional groups.
Shikonin is a natural pigment extracted from the roots of Chinese herbs, such as Lithospermum erythrorhizon, Onosma paniculata, and Arnebia euchroma. It has a wide range of therapeutic effects, including:
- Anti-inflammatory: Shikonin can reduce the incidence of arthritis and relieve joint inflammation.
- Anti-cancer: Shikonin can inhibit cell proliferation and migration, and induce apoptosis, autophagy, and necroptosis. It can also inhibit tumor growth, metastasis, and chemoresistance by inhibiting PKM2.
- Antioxidant: Shikonin has antioxidant properties.
- Wound healing: Shikonin can promote wound healing.
- Antimicrobial: Shikonin has antimicrobial properties.
- Antiviral: Shikonin has antiviral properties.
- Immunity-enhancing: Shikonin can enhance immunity.

* The statements in this section have not been evaluated by the FDA or EFSA.
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